Sunday, April 18, 2010

Media Meditations Round 2 Post 3

Web 2.0 In China

A topic that I feel that is often not talked about enough is how China doesn’t allow for it’s citizens to use Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and MySpace. I feel that this is a great example of a political shift because Chinas government doesn’t want its citizens to use the power of web 2.0.

It’s crazy to think that the entire nation of China can be deprived of so much valuable media with so many different value messages. The Chinese government is aware that the power of web 2.0 gives strength to the people. Web 2.0 allows for people to come together, share stories and become unified. This is exactly what a tyranny would be against. China uses fear and physical blocking of these websites so that it’s citizens will not use them. Why is it that China is so against social networking, and even google? It’s incredibly hard to imagine a world with out these Internet tools.

Here are some related articles that are interesting that portray to this subject.

No You Tube In China

China Blocks Twitter and Facebook

Watch this clip starting one min twelve seconds in...

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